Thursday, October 29, 2009


things are more adorable when they are mini, right?!

in case you couldn't tell, they are mini pumpkin pies with jack-o-lantern faces. if you want the here. mine may not be quite as cute as the ones featured in the recipes, but was my first attempt. (the faceless ones were for eric...he later admitted that he could barely taste the chocolate.) cute and tasty.


  1. So why did Eric want faceless? Did it creep him out to be eating cute faces? Or does he...gasp!...not like CHOCOLATE????? If it's latter, we've got serious issues darling. How did you sneak that one past us during fiance interviews???

  2. Well...for some reason he has this strange idea that pumpkin and chocolate don't go together. I think I may be slowly converting him...

  3. Have you tried a batch of pumpkin chocolate chip cookies on Eric? Those are good enough to convert any unbeliever. I'm impressed with your baking attempts, they turned out really cute. I still have yet to attempt a Bakerella recipe, but I really want to make her cake bites one of these days! Happy Birthday by the way!!!

  4. Those look yummy and fun. Is it regular pie crust? And seriously what is wrong with Eric. It doesn't get better than pumpkin and chocolate.

  5. You have been busy! Why is it that anything mini is adorable? I couldn't agree with Kristyn any more, nothing better than pumpkin and chocolate!!!
